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Your regular update for technical and industry information
On 30 August 2016, the California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) has adopted significant amendments1 on how clear and reasonable warning is provided under the Safe Drinking Water Enforcement Act of 1986, commonly known as “Proposition 65”. Proposition 65 requires business with 10 or more employees to provide clear and reasonable warning statements in the California State to any listed chemical(s) known as carcinogenic and reproductive toxic.
Providing a 2-year transition period, the new warning regulations2 require business to provide more detail to consumers and will effective on 30 August 2018. Until then, businesses may use either the old warnings or the new ones.
Some notable changes to the new warning regulations are summarised as follows:
This regulatory action repeals all the regulatory provisions of Title 27 of the California Code of Regulations, Article 6 (sections 25601 et seq.), except those added via an emergency rulemaking in April 2016 related to warnings for exposures to bisphenol A in canned foods and beverages (Sections 25603.3(f) and (g))4.
[1] Notice of adoption
[2] Regulatory text published on 2 September 2016
[3] Final Statement of Reasons
[4] E-ssentials 6 in May 2016
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