Conversation Management for Auditors
In this training, participants will:
- Understand verbal and non-verbal components of communication and deal with ambiguity.
- Apply question techniques during audits.
- Explain how to monitor conversation phases during the audit toward internal and external objectives.
This e-learning course is specially designed for professionals and executives from manufacturing and service organizations who want to become familiar with auditing fundamentals.
- Basics of communication psychology (approx. 60 minutes)
- Verbal and nonverbal components of communication
- Differentiation between factual and relational level
- Dealing with ambiguity in communication
- Improving communication and preventing misunderstandings
- Communication in the audit – opening conversation (approx. 90 minutes)
- Importance of communication theory for audit conversations
- The auditor's self-conception
- Internal and external audit objectives
- Attitude and behaviour
- Conversational atmosphere during the audit
- The audit from the point of view of the person audited
- Communication in the audit – implementation (approx. 60 minutes)
- Questioning techniques
- Stages of the audit conversation: Getting to know each other, introductory questions
- Closing meeting
Communication happens on various levels, and every level is different. Conversation management and communication in the audit are important factors that make or break the success of an audit. Whenever people come together and communicate, they form and maintain relationships.
Whether an audit is successful or not partly depends on the wording of the auditor’s questions. Some questioning techniques are more appropriate for audits than others.
Solution-oriented communication adds value to your internal audits. By asking systemic questions, you will achieve the best possible audit results.
Become familiar with the basics of communication psychology and learn to manage audit conversations efficiently.
- Differentiation between verbal and factual level
- Questions techniques for audits
- Role of attitude and behavior Internal and external audit objectives
- Conversational atmosphere, steps and phases during the audit.
The course employs a variety of training tools such as content-embedded assessment, animations, and other interactive exercises to enhance instructional delivery. Easily accessible via your preferred choice of device, the course allows you to log in and learn whenever, wherever.
Basics of communication psychology
- Verbal and nonverbal components of communication
- Differentiation between factual and relational level
- Dealing with ambiguity in communication
- Improving communication and preventing misunderstandings
- Questioning techniques
Communication in the audit – opening conversation
- Importance of communication theory for audit conversations
- The auditor’s self-conception
- Internal and external audit objectives
- Attitude and behaviour
- Conversational atmosphere during the audit
- The audit from the point of view of the person audited
Communication in the audit – implementation
- The steps in the audit
- Conversational phases during the audit
- Stages of the audit conversation: Getting to know each other, introductory questions
- General knowledge about management system standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 27001, etc.
- To ensure the course runs smoothly, you need a standard PC with sound card, a web browser with Flash Player enabled, a DSL Internet connection and headphones, if possible. For access to the learning platform, please provide a personal e-mail address.
System requirements
Supported browsers include:
- Chrome
- Safari
- Internet Explorer
- Firefox
Additional requires include:
- A high speed internet connection will provide best results.
- An email address is required to register for courses.
- Microsoft Media Player or equivalent is needed to play audio and video files.
- Flash Player is used for content and interactive learning. If necessary download and install Flash Player to ensure proper operation of course content.
What is included with the course?
Each course will include access to e-learning content, quizzes, and proof of completion. Additional resources may also be included and this will vary by course.
Can I pause the course and log in to it anytime?
Certainly. The course allows the learner to take a break and return to it within the defined access period (typically 365 days).
Are there any quizzes in the middle of the course?
Our e-learning courses are designed to promote interaction between learner and content and often include quizzes. Quizzes are designed to help understand where successful learning has been achieved, and where opportunities for additional review exist.
Can I get a refund if I cancel my enrollment?
Refunds cannot be provided once a course is activated. Please be sure to review course information prior to activation.
What happens if I don’t finish the course within the access period?
The standard access period is 365 days to allow sufficient time to complete your course.
If you have questions, or require assistance, you may reach us at [email protected]
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If you are unable to purchase online please contact our team today at [email protected] or (978) 573-2500.