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Germany had the highest increase of hydrogen refuelling stations worldwide in 2017

In Germany, 24 public refuelling stations have gone into operation in 2017, turning the German public hydrogen refuelling infrastructure into the second largest globally with 45 public stations, ahead of the USA (40 stations) and only surpassed by Japan with 91 public stations. A total of 64 stations were opened worldwide in the past year. This is the result of the tenth annual assessment by, a website of Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST) and TÜV SÜD.

hydrogen refuelling stationsAt the end of 2017, there were 56 hydrogen refuelling stations in Germany, of which 45 are publicly accessible (or with previous notice). The German network of public refuelling stations has doubled in the past year. By 2019, this number is expected to grow to 100 refuelling stations. Exact planning has already started for 31 dedicated locations. This makes Germany, ahead of the USA, the country with the second largest hydrogen refuelling infrastructure, only surpassed by Japan. When looking at the number of hydrogen refuelling stations per inhabitant, Germany ranks fourth behind Denmark, Norway, and Japan, closely followed by Austria.

Japan had expanded its refuelling station network strongly in 2015 and 2016, and has continued on a somewhat slower pace in 2017 with 11 new stations. In the United States, 5 new public stations have opened, all in California. “While many other countries are planning and expanding their networks with a focus on selected population centres, Germany and Denmark are currently the leading countries in establishing refuelling networks with a comprehensive national coverage”, says Reinhold Wurster, hydrogen expert at LBST.

On a European level, national networks are complemented by seamless hydrogen corridors from Norway to northern Italy and from western Switzerland to Vienna, which had already formed last year. These have been consolidated by further 36 publicly accessible hydrogen stations. Norway, Great Britain and France have opened three public stations, Austria two.

According to Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik, 139 hydrogen stations are currently in operation in Europe, 118 in Asia, 68 in North America, one in South America, and one in Australia. A new member in the hydrogen community is the United Arab Emirates with one private station in Dubai. Of the 328 hydrogen stations worldwide, 227 can be used like any conventional retail station, another 24 after previous appointment. This has further increased the proportion of public stations. The others are dedicated to refuelling of buses or fleet customers.

Interactive maps and individual analyses

The website uses interactive maps to globally list all hydrogen refuelling stations in operation, planned, or already shut down including a summary on recent changes. With its information on already closed stations, is unique in also providing a view on the development history of the hydrogen infrastructure.

The website draws on an extensive database which is continuously updated with new stations as well as with additional information on already existing sites. All in all, it currently contains detailed information on about 800 refuelling stations. “We continue to provide basic information free of charge for non-commercial use”, says LBST Managing Director Uwe Albrecht. “Professional users are able to license the data including further detailed information, regular reports on new developments, and individual analyses.”

Information and services for hydrogen and fuel cells

TÜV SÜD and LBST operate a joint hydrogen and fuel-cell portal offering extensive information and services for professional users and interested members of the public. The portal comprises the and, the latter offering an overview of all hydrogen vehicles going back as far as 1807, extensive specialist information, and a guide through standards and regulations.

Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH (LBST) is an international expert advisor for sustainable energy and mobility. With its expertise bridging technologies, markets, and policy the company supports international clients from industry, finance, politics, and non-governmental organisations in strategy, feasibility, and market assessments, several international blue-chip companies trusting in its reliable judgment. The cutting edge competence of LBST is based on over three decades of continuous experience, and on its interdisciplinary team of leading experts.

All static maps of hydrogen refuelling stations can be downloaded in high resolution from here:

Further information about Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik and TÜV SÜD can be found on the Internet at

Note for editorial teams: For high-resolution photos please feel free to contact [email protected].

Press-contact: Dr. Thomas Oberst

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