Well-being for as many as possible
Well-being for as many as possible
By promoting and implementing charitable projects, we provide wide-ranging support for societal issues and contribute to the general good.
In 1866, the need for society to implement new technologies in a safe and efficient manner led to the foundation of what is today TÜV SÜD. We have remained true to the pledge we made over 150 years ago: enabling progress by protecting people, the environment, and assets from technology-related risks. Our focus has always been on the interaction of technology and humankind in its totality.
We aim to take our role as reliable partner for our customers and society into the future, addressing future-facing topics such as decarbonization, circular economy, and implementation of responsible business practices in the physical and digital worlds.
Beyond this, as a company we seek to play a proactive role in the sustainable development of our society with multitudinous forms of engagement, ranging from donations and collaborations to self-initiated projects. In particular, we are involved in extensive activities supporting education in technology and natural sciences for young people, focusing on the opportunities and challenges of digitalization and on equal opportunities.
We provide extensive funding for educational and training activities in the field of technology and science and support initiatives designed to improve safety and security and minimize risks. In 2022, TÜV SÜD AG and its member companies invested approximately EUR 1.2 m for corporate social engagement. This amount includes donations and contributions for nonprofit institutions as well as the dividend that enables the TÜV SÜD Foundation to realize its projects. In 2022, the financial investment made in this corporate social engagement was equivalent to around 0.9 percent of the TÜV SÜD Group’s annual net profit.
All donations and company funding from the TÜV SÜD Group are systematically recorded and transparently summarized in an annually issued report. The compliance guideline "Donations, Membership Fees and Sponsoring" ensures coordinated and legally compliant implementation. We apply a donation allocation policy to ensure that implementation of our social engagement activities is effectively coordinated and legally compliant. Its stipulations include the impermissibility of donations by TÜV SÜD to politicians, political parties, or organizations.
In 2022, we continued to help people who have fallen on hard times through no fault of their own - be it war, disease or natural disasters. For example, TÜV SÜD donated a total of around € 0.3 million to several charitable organisations in 2022 to help Ukrainian families and children affected by the war in their home country. Emergency aid for thousands of people was provided in particular through the support of the "Save the children" initiative.
In 2022, our subsidiary in India again supported regional projects that improve living conditions in structurally weak, rural regions of India. For example, with the help of an initiative supported by us, villages in the states of Pune and Maharashtra are being supplied with solar power whose inhabitants previously had no access to reliable electrical infrastructure. Another project in India aims to motivate inhabitants of villages in the states of Gujarat and Maharashtra to use natural resources such as water and wood sparingly and to train them in sustainable agriculture and animal husbandry.
TÜV SÜD is committed to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, and is increasingly applying them as guidance for its own activities. At the same time, TÜV SÜD’s services support companies of all sizes and in all areas of industry and business, helping them to achieve their sustainability goals. Our services help to design technologies that are safe and lasting. We also support companies and organizations in efficiently reaching their sustainability goals and providing credible evidence of their achievements. For more about our services and the SDGs, click here.
The following SDGs are of particular relevance to our company:
We actively support these SDGs globally and locally. The five fields of action of our sustainability strategy pay into these seven SDGs.
The TÜV SÜD Foundation is one of the two owners of TÜV SÜD AG. Its work funds an array of projects throughout Germany focusing on education and training for young people in STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) subjects.
In 2022, the TÜV SÜD Foundation supported a total of around 20 projects in Germany; the Foundation had around half a million euros at its disposal for this purpose in that year. The Foundation's funds come mainly from TÜV SÜD AG dividends and donations from TÜV SÜD Group companies.
In 2022, the spectrum of funding ranged from projects at kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools to activities in industrial-technical education and support for new paths in academic education, as well as research projects for climate protection and sustainability at German universities. The focus is on new projects that positively shape the educational careers of young people and promote equal opportunities in society.
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