Adding value with our service portfolio
Adding value with our service portfolio
The sudden and unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has shifted the way a majority of organizations can execute business as usual, especially in regard to processes that usually take place in person. One such sector is testing, inspection and certification.
With the help of digitization, advanced technology and the cooperation of our customers, TÜV SÜD is able to offer a comprehensive portfolio of virtual testing, inspection and certification services to meet the changing needs of your business. Combining digital, real-time and remote capabilities, TÜV SÜD provides alternatives to in-person services without diminishing the integrity or the quality of service level.
Your business can still secure critical assets and comply with standards and regulations through a digital audit, remote testing or virtual inspection, for instance. We are here to support you through flexible yet customized programs to keep your facility operational, and personnel safe.
Transforming how your organization conducts business can be daunting. However, there are many advantages that your business can benefit from by making use of the extended virtual audit and testing services:
Our remote service is provided using a combination of software and hardware, i.e. end-devices with a camera as well as ready-to-use applications and a centralized platform.
TÜV SÜD is able to work with various software platforms and hardware types depending on the availability and service type.
There are two options that you can choose from depending on the technical capabilities and application access of your business:
Once chosen, there are then three key elements of performing virtual on-site location visits.
The TÜV SÜD expert uses either a smart phone, tablet, Notebook or smart glasses to live video and audio stream the risk assessment to your team as well as third-party stakeholders through one of the platform options above. This allows members to experience the on-site visit from the point of view of the TÜV SÜD expert.
TÜV SÜD’s remote services platform provides stringent security standards, including end-to-end encryption of video signals, photos and videos as well as central, long-term data storage, if recorded. It also complies with GDPR rules and guidelines.
If you would prefer to use alternative video call technologies than those used in the service, TÜV SÜD will review the privacy on an individual basis in order to provide the same level of security measures.
These methods provide a two-way communication channel to offer real-time commentary and feedback. There are also options to both record the live stream or record the on-site visit for later access.
Photographs from the end devices can also be taken to create an enhanced level of detail.
TÜV SÜD has aimed to ensure that the technical requirements needed to complete our digital and remote audit, inspection and testing services are readily available and widely used globally.
Ideally, customers will have smart glasses, android or IOS-based tablets or smart phones that have been updated with the latest software.
Capabilities that are required for on-site visits:
Capabilities that are not mandatory, but preferred are:
Currently, virtual testing, inspection and certification is available to the following services:
Site Selector
Middle East and Africa