Servoelectric vs servohydraulic technologies in automotive BSR testing

Servoelectric vs. servohydraulic technologies in automotive buzz, squeak and rattle (BSR) testing

White paper

White paper

A comparison of use in a four poster road simulator

For more than 40 years, servohydraulic four poster test systems have been vital to the evaluation and testing of automotive components and designs, and have contributed to major improvements in automotive safety and quality. However, in recent years, the introduction of four posters based on servoelectric technology have provided manufacturers and testing organisations with greater testing flexibility and improved testing performance, while also offering significant improvements in energy efficiency and reduced environmental risks.

This TÜV SÜD white paper offers an in-depth discussion of the various components, limitations, and advantages of servohydraulic and servoelectric technologies in four poster systems used in automotive testing.

Why download the white paper?

  • Get an overview of the major components of servohydraulic four poster system
  • Get an overview of the major components of servoelectric four poster system
  • Receive a direct comparison of servohydraulic and servoelectric systems with regard to energy efficiency and performance
  • Gain insights into TÜV SÜD's development in the area of automotive BSR testing

Related Services: Buzz, Squeak and Rattle Testing | SEA Damper Testing Systems | Dynamic Component Testing

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