Enabling revolutionary progress
Enabling revolutionary progress
Dr Martin Hanton, Technical Director, TÜV SÜD National Engineering Laboratory
In the final video in this series of sustainability and net zero videos, Dr Martin Hanton discusses how customers are looking to purchase environmentally-friendly products. Whether this is energy or physical items, find out how you can access this market by helping consumers and businesses understand the carbon footprint and sustainability criteria of your products.
TÜV SÜD has rapidly adapted the services offered to support business and industry on their journey to net zero, by assessing the quality, safety and efficiency of energy infrastructure and systems across all technologies, including batteries, hydrogen, wind and nuclear. Whatever your organisation’s advisory testing and certification needs, we can help you on your net zero journey.
In the first of a three part series, Dr. Martin Hanton discusses the major sustainability and net zero challenges that organisations need to start addressing towards decarbonisation and sustainability.
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Dr Martin Hanton’s second video in this sustainability and net zero series discusses where our decarbonised energy comes from.
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