Produced water is by far the largest waste stream in the Oil and Gas Sector. Worldwide for every barrel of oil produced, on average there are four to five barrels of water co-produced. How one manages this produced water will directly impact on the rate of oil production and ultimately on the overall recovery of the amount of oil from an oilfield.
Produced water contains all sort of components of which some can potentially cause environmental harms if it is discharged. Thus, the discharge of produced water is strictly regulated. One of the key parameters that generally require to be measured and reported for regulatory compliance monitoring purpose is the content of oil in produced water.
This webinar, presented by Dr Ming Yang, will provide an introduction to the subjects of produced water and its oil content measurement.
Dr Ming Yang
Principal Consultant
As a Principal Consultant, my role is predominantly looking after our existing produced water activities which I have established over the past 20 years. These activities include: event organisation, the Produced Water Club, training, JIPs, testing, consultancy and student projects.
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