Complimentary Webinar: Automotive Components- Testing & Homologation

Streamline the homologation process for vehicles, systems and components

Streamline the homologation process for vehicles, systems and components

Homologation is the term for the whole vehicle approval process. An approval is a government-issued certificate that allows a product to enter a market. It starts with initial assessments followed by tests according to standards and directives, up to the preparation of substantiated technical reports to forward to the authorities in order to obtain the final approval.

To navigate through the overall approval process and more our expert practitioner will be extending his insights through a webinar, covering an elaborate automotive component testing & homologation.


Scheduled on:

Day: Friday

Date: 8th September 2023

Time: 3pm to 4pm IST

Duration: 1 hour



  • Domestic and International requirement of Automotive components & whole vehicle homologation
  • Component, automotive systems, WVTA & ESA approvals for European countries.
  • ECE regulations for Automotive components


Who Should Attend

  • Manufacturer
  • Exporter / Importer
  • Trader
  • Distributors
  • Consultants
  • Regulators

Meet the Speaker:

Mr. Uday Purekar


Mr. Uday Purekar(Sr. Manager-Homologation)

Mr. Uday Purekar is associated with TUV SUD South Asia as a Senior Manager – Homologation. He has more than 20+ years of experience in the domain of whole Vehicle Homologation & Testing/Certification of Automotive Components. He is backed with extensive knowledge in Testing, Certification, Validation of Automotive Components & Vehicle Homologation.


Streamline the homologation process for vehicles, systems and components

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