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TÜV SÜD: Gerhard Müller elected CITA President

Gerhard Müller (56), Head of Public Policy and Economic Affairs of the Mobility Division of TÜV SÜD, was elected new President of the Comité International de L’Inspection Technique Automobile (CITA) by the CITA General Assembly in Seoul, South Korea, in April 2019. This is the first time that a TÜV SÜD employee has headed the International Motor Vehicle Inspection Committee, which has 135 members representing over 50 countries. The key topics for Müller’s four years of presidency concern advancing international road safety, establishing global standards for the testing of automated driving functions and further reducing vehicle emissions.

Gerhard Mueller, Head of Public Policy and Economic Affairs of the Mobility Division of TÜV SÜDCITA's main goal is to achieve significant further reduction in the number of road casualties. Periodical technical inspection (PTI) makes a major contribution towards reaching this goal. Given this, we are committed to driving global implementation of the PTI system”, emphasises CITA President Müller. Müller, a mechanical engineering graduate, has held various positions for TÜV SÜD for almost 30 years and has been responsible for policy-related and economic issues in the Mobility Division since 2011. The expert began to dedicate his activities to automotive topics from an early stage in his career. He has continued this focus in CITA, where he has chaired the “Environmental Protection Systems Group” since 2012 and advocates the modernisation of emission testing. Reducing emissions in road traffic worldwide is another item on Mueller's agenda as CITA President. On the topic of modernisation, Müller explains, “Autonomous driving is the watchword where the mobility of the future is concerned, spanning traffic jam and emergency brake assist systems, pedestrian detection, radar, LIDAR, and much more. Electronic driver assistance systems must work perfectly even after years of operation. We are working intensively on the development of new standards for type approval and periodical technical inspection, which will pose one of the biggest challenges in the coming years”.

CITA is the world's only association of vehicle inspection organisations. Founded in 1958, the association is dedicated to the promotion of road-safety projects in its member states. Current focus areas include the improvement of road safety in Togo and the Safer Africa project. Technical vehicle condition, and thus vehicle inspection, are playing a major role in this context. CITA cooperates with many international organisations including the World Health Organisation (WHO), the European Union and the World Bank.


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Press-contact: Vincenzo Lucá

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