The Turtle Diagram – E-Learning
View and analyze processes in detail
Online Training1 training unit (approx. 45 minutes)E-Learning
The turtle diagram is used to analyze processes. The diagram lets us take a close look at process steps and identify potential risks. It does not matter whether it is a production process or a service process.
Ihre Vorteile
In this module, you will learn what exactly the turtle diagram looks like, what parts it consists of and what benefits and risks come with using it
Inhalte im Überblick
- What does the turtle diagram look like?
- What benefits does the turtle diagram bring?
- What are the individual parts of the diagram?
- What benefits and risks does the use of the turtle diagram have?
Certification of attendance from TÜV SÜD Akademie
Wichtige Hinweise
- Each participant receives a personalized license limited to 365 days.
- Discounted company conditions for the purchase of license packages are possible on request to [email protected].
- Führungs- und Fachkräfte mit Bezug zu Qualitätsmanagement
- Personen, die interessiert sind an Prozessentwicklung, Prozess-Analyse und Prozess-Optimierung