Safety Equipment - IEC 61508 Module 1&2: Introduction, definition of functional safety management, system analysis
- In this module for IEC 61508 you receive comprehensive basic training and a detailed overview of the subject of functional safety for the role of safety equipment developer or supplier as well as Industry Systems manufacturer or integrator.
- The methods and conceptual aspects of product liability and safety management to be taken into account are conveyed to you through practical examples.
- You learn the normative design criteria and approaches.
- This training provides you with the necessary introduction to be optimally prepared for the more in-depth IEC 61508 training.
Details | Détails
- Implementation of a FSM (Functional Safety Management)
- Tasks, methods and conceptual aspects in safety management
- Main design criteria of standards
- Supporting Processes and activities
- Approaches for designing a functional concept
Vorteile | Benefits | Avantages
- This training course provides you with the necessary introduction to be optimally prepared for the advanced IEC 61508 training course in the respective focus.
- You will get to know the methods and conceptual aspects of safety management to be considered.
Teilnehmerkreis | Who should attend | Public principal
Management executives, project managers, safety and QM managers and all staff involved in functional safety projects.
Vorraussetzungen | Prerequisites | Prérequis
There are no admission requirements for this training.
- The lecture language is German as standard. You can see while choosing the events with the additional remark "Seminarsprache Englisch" that the lecture language is English.
- The presentation slides and participant documents for this training are written only in English.
Sprache | Language | Langue
Abschluss | Certificates | Certificats
Certificate of attendance TÜV SÜD Academy
Durchführende Akademie | Executing Academy | Académie organisatrice
Dieses Onlinetraining wird von der TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbHin Deutschland durchgeführt. Bei diesem Onlinetraining gelten daher die AllgemeinenGeschäftsbedingungen und Prüfungsordnungen sowie Datenschutzinformationen der TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH. Bei Rückfragen stehenwir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung.
This training is being operated by TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbHin Germany. The GeneralTerms and Conditions as well as the PrivacyNotice of TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH apply. Incase of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.