
Automotive Cybersecurity Level 1 according to ISO/SAE 21434

Präsenztraining​2 daysBeginner

The automotive industry is challenged with new quality requirements due to the increasing digitalization, interaction, and automation of vehicles. It is essential that road vehicles and their components are being developed with cybersecurity in mind. This has a significant impact on vehicle development and the entire automotive life cycle. This course has been developed in cooperation with SAE. The certification concept behind the training comprises a multi-stage qualification and is characterized by a high level of practical bearing. Course participants gain holistic knowledge of vehicle quality and risk management through this course. The participants are shown the connection between threat and risk analysis, security concept, security specification and verification and validation concept over the complete life cycle of a vehicle. Practical examples from our experts and exercises support the transfer of the learning content to your working environment.

  • Benefit from:
    • The latest first-hand information on ISO/SAE 21434 and standardization development
    • Consolidated know-how on the worldwide regulatory/legislative situation for the approval of vehicle types and components
    • Best practices for an efficient implementation of the legal requirements and regulations for cybersecurity by means of the internationally valid standard ISO/SAE 21434.
    • First-class specialist lecturers from SAE International, who bring not only didactic know-how but also well-founded experience from practice and auditing.
    • Note: A Level Two advanced certification is also available. Moreover a transition training for FuSa Experts (acc. ISO 26262 „Road vehicles – Functional safety“) is part of our training portfolio.
  • Who Should Attend
    • This foundation training provides participants in the automotive industry with the necessary basic knowledge to be able to consider the new cybersecurity requirements according to the ISO/SAE 21434 security standard.
    • This training is appropriate for people who work in the automotive cybersecurity, management, engineering, or audit environment. It is also suitable for project, process and sales managers, as well as those interested in the topic.
Nettopreis (exkl. USt.)
1.929,00 €

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