Fundamentals of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP)
The course provides an understanding of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and aids in differenciating between Good Manufacutring Pracices (GMP), Good Clinical Practices (GCP) and GLP. The course also aims to provide a brief overview on conducting and reporting study results.
Inhalte | Content
- Origin of OECD and GLP
- Definition of GLP
- Fundamentals of GLP
- Aims and principles of GLP
- Areas of GLP principles
- Facilities under GLP
- Laboratory Testing Regulations
Zielgruppe | Target group
The course is relevant for all individuals and groups who deal with medical device regulation such as, but not limited to business professionals, employees, managers.
Hinweis | Note
- The standard access period is 365 days to allow sufficient time to complete the course.
- If you have questions, or require assistance, you may reach us at [email protected]
Duchführende Akademie | Executing Academy
Alle Online Termine dieser Veranstaltung werden vonder TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH in Deutschland durchgeführt. Bei Onlinetrainingsgelten daher zusätzlich die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen undPrüfungsordnungen sowie Datenschutzinformationen der TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH. BeiRückfragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne unter [email protected] zurVerfügung.